Logo Design and Worldbuilding
Another Dungeons and Dragons tabletop game logo designed for personal friends of mine, the goal was to have a futuristic spacefaring utopia who’s foundation is that is powered by mysterious crystals that act as batteries. The spaceships travel great distances through light tunnels called aetherstreams. Whenever an aetherstream crosses another atherstream, they erupt into a sunlike source of energy that planets revolve around. All of those aspects were needed in the logo design itself: a bright light representing the nodes, planets revolving around that node, futuristic type embedded in steel forming the foundation of the subhead, and the dark crystals forming the main type.
Additional imagery was made for the pantheon of gods of this world: a demon boar of the underworld with power over smoke and thunder, a scorpion of fear with power over acid, a leopard of jealousy with power over ice, a wolf of stoicism with power over telekinesis, a phoenix of life with power over thunder, a tortoise of emotion with power over telepathy, and a manta of joy with power over fire.